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Founded back in 2008 in Mentone Beach, CA, we are a club of "active" Corvette enthusiast that regularly participate in Corvette shows, runs, and get-togethers.
We meet every 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 6:30 pm at
Brandon's Restaurant
24626 Sunnymead Blvd., Moreno Valley CA
President: Barry Mondragon
Vice President/Roster: Cindy Best
Secretary: Zaira Medrano
Treasurer: Diane Peake
Events Coordinator: Cody Gilette
Sergeant at Arms: Curtis Richmond
Sponsors: TBD
Dear Ruth: Ruth Roach
NCCC Governor: Allan Berg
Products: Marjorie & Les Randolph
Raffle: Roz Duvall
Web Master: Lisa Gonzalez
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